Itu yang kualami sekarang, perasaan egois itu menyerangku. Membawaku kedalam alam dibawah sadarku ingin selalu bersamanya tanpa berfikir apapun yang terjadi. Hingga saat itu aku terbangun dan menyadari bahwa ada seseorang yang ia sukai. Ironis sekali, bukan? namun apa yang harus aku lakukan? aku tak bisa melakukan apapun selain berdoa dan berharap yang terbaik untuknya setiap hari di dalam hati. Tersenyum pada orang-orang padahal dalam hati aku menangis. Ia memintaku untuk mendoakannya, Okay, it's fine karena aku memang selalu mendoakannya..
Selama dia bahagia aku juga akan bahagia, sesederhana itu
i tried to draw your face slowly
your lips, your eyes are so lovely today
i tell my self that i need to forget you
i keep telling myself that can't see you anymore
but you're the only one for me
it can't be anyone else
will you accept my heart now
should i tell you that i love you?
do you know how i feel when i look you everyday?
if you stay by my side i don't want anything else
will you just stay my side?
should i try to run to you?
i want to know how you feel about me
that's the only thing i need
i can't imagine day without you
will you accept my feeling for you?
i try to remember everything that you did for me in the past
do you know how i feel when i look you everyday?
if you stay by my side i don't want anything else
will you please stay by my side and protect me?
should i tell you that i love you?
do you know how i feel when i look you everyday?
if you stay by my side i don't want anything else
will you just stay my side?
the cold looks you always gave me, and the way you used to talk to me
they don't matter to me anymore
will you tell me how you feel about me?
i love you...
i love you, i love you more than anyone else in the world
if you give into this love i won't except anything else
you're enough for me
should i find the courage to confess to you?
i need to know how you feel about me right now
i don't desire anyone else
i can't live one day without you
i only love one person
the person i love is you
Tolong peluk aku, Tuhan. Akan ku keluarkan seluruh air mataku yang terpendam. Aku ingin menangis. Aku ingin menyerah. Tapi aku menyayanginya. Andai ia tahu......